We offer 2 different styles of alleys at this time. Hopefully more in the future, feel free to ask about something custom!
24ft Alley with Butt gate
24ft long, 5.5ft tall, frame is 2 7/8" pipe, has 7 sucker rods 7/8" on each side. Also has 2 7/8" welded to inside of alley to keep cows from trying to turn. Comes with adjustable butt gate on one end. 7ft clearance on inside and approx 28" wide inside. All these dimensions can be customized. 1600#
Loading alleys
This is our 16ft loading alley. Loadout height is specified when ordering. Sides are 5.5ft tall, walk through clearance is 7ft.
24ft Alley with Slide Gate
24ft long, 5.5ft tall, frame is 2 7/8" pipe, has 7 sucker rods 7/8" on each side. Also has 2 7/8" welded to inside of alley to keep cows from trying to turn. Comes with sliding gate on one end. 7ft clearance on inside and approx 28" wide inside. All these dimensions can be customized.